Who are We ? All about Nature Babies :)

Thanks for finding this website and taking an interest in our products and ourselves.  Nature Babies is a company that has been making cloth nappies and associated products in Leicestershire from scratch since 2001 !  

I started making cloth nappies in 2001 to supply myself with wraps for a cloth nappy laundry service I started up at the same time.  That side of things didn't take off, but after winning a big contract with Essex County Council in 2003 we sarted making wraps as our main core business and went from the shed to a unit with quite a fair few staff at one point around 2005/6.

Then there started to be quite alot more competition in Nappy world with the introduction of companies like Bungenius who started making a Pocket nappy similar to our Stuffable and then we moved units from Quorn to Wymeswold.  Really just mostly ticking over for many years, Nature Babies was what my accountant used to call a "lifestyle" business since it allowed easy time off to collect my daughter from school and take her to various activities etc. 

In 20018 ish I took over a very small  unit in Loughborough which is where I am now based.  I mostly make everything myself now but occasionally get my long serving machinist Theresa in to give me a hand.  Unfortunately the overheads are quite a problem, but I have quite large industrial machines and no where to have them at home, so unit it is.

Our core product has always been our nappy covers, which we take pride in being hardwearing and long lasting.  If you want a cover to last and last and last then chose Nature Babies every time.  This is one thing we can guarantee as we have a hardwearing PUL which is actually designed for Nappy Laundry use and withstand use in Nurseries and the like.  

I am about to start the Charnwood Real Nappy project which will include a lending service and other bits and pieces.

Thanks for looking and please do call us up on 07949614927 if you require any info or would like to ask me anything about our cloth nappies :)